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The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect influence of the principal's transformational leadership, work ethic, and work motivation on the performance of high school teachers in Banjarmasin City. This research was conducted with a cross-sectional method and using correlation techniques. The study population was 249 teachers, and 153 respondents were taken as the research sample using the random sampling technique. The researchers collected the data using a questionnaire, and the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and path analysis. Before the data were analyzed using inferential statistics, some prerequisite analysis were conducted. The results of this study indicated that there is a significant direct effect of principal transformational leadership, work ethic, and motivation on the performance of high school teachers in Banjarmasin, and there is a significant indirect effect of school principal transformational leadership and work ethic through motivation on the performance of high school teachers in Banjarmasin City.

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Transformational Leadership, Work Ethic, Motivation, Teacher Performance
How to Cite
Rifki, Aslamiah, & Rizalie, A. M. (2021). Transformational Leadership Relationships School, Ethos of Work and Work Motivation Towards Teacher Performance in Senior High School in Banjarmasin City. Journal of K6 Education and Management, 4(4), 476 -.


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