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The achievement of work performance by teachers involves efficient professional duties with quality, speed, accuracy, initiative, ability, and building communication. However, their effectiveness is influenced by several, factors, including the principal's transformational leadership, motivation, and work discipline. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the principal's transformational leadership on work performance through achievement motivation and work discipline of State Vocational High School teachers in Tanah Laut Regency, in Indonesia. Furthermore, it was meant to determine the effect of transformational leadership on work performance, achievement motivation, and work discipline using a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational method. The study population comprised 231 people, with a sample of 147 selected by proportional sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire that fulfilled the validity test requirements with Pearson correlation and Cronbach Alpha reliability tested with 30 respondents. The regression model was tested for classical assumptions, while path analysis and the Sobel test methods were used in hypothesis testing. The results showed a direct effect of the principal's transformational leadership on the work performance of teachers' achievement motivation and discipline. Furthermore, the principal's transformational leadership, achievement motivation, and work discipline directly affect the teacher's work performance. The principal's transformational leadership indirectly affects work performance through achievement motivation and work discipline of State Vocational High School teachers in Tanah Laut Regency.

Article Details

transformational leadership, achievement motivation, work discipline, work performance
How to Cite
Rusmila, Suriansyah, A., & Sulaiman. (2021). The Effect of Principal’s Transformational Leadership on Work Achievement Through Motivation and Discipline of State Vocational High School Teachers in Tanah Laut Regency. Journal of K6 Education and Management, 4(4), 451 -.


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