Publication Ethics and Malpractice Example Journal

In dealing with cases in research and publication, Example Journal using guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Commission of Publication Ethics / COPE). 

Here are the ethical standards for editors, authors, and reviewers.


  1. The Editor is responsible for every article published in Example Journal
  2. An editor helps the writer to follow the guidelines for authors
  3. The editors can communicate with other editors or reviewers in making a final decision.
  4. The editor assesses the manuscript publication objectively, regardless of racial background, religion, gender, seniority, ethnicity, political beliefs, institutional affiliation, or nationality authors. Editors must relinquish his duties if there is a potential conflict of interest.
  5. The Editor must ensure that the document is sent to the reviewers do not contain information on the author and vice versa.
  6. The editor's decision must be notified to the author along with the reviewers' comments, except that contain offensive or libelous statements.
  7. Editors should respect the request of the author that the order is not subject to review by any other person for any reason.
  8. The editor and all staff must ensure the confidentiality of the submitted manuscript.
  9. If there is a suspicion of error or dispute in writing, the Editor solves it by using the COPE as a guide.


  1. Reviewers commented on the possibility of errors in ethical research and publications.
  2. Reviewers should do the job on time and notify the Editor if they can not finish the job.
  3. Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.
  4. Reviewers should not be receiving and reviewing the manuscript if there is a potential conflict of interest between them and the authors.


  1. The author ensures that the material to be published have not been published and sent to another place simultaneously
  2. Authors must ensure the authenticity of their research and they have cited the other's opinion correctly in accordance with the reference format.
  3. The author is not involved in plagiarism.
  4. 'Salami' publication is prohibited in Example Journal
  5. The authors must follow the criteria described in the guideline writing to the author of Example Journal.
  6. Authors are not advised to publish any personal information that may make the patient recognizable identity in the form of the description section, photograph, or genealogy. When photographs of patients are very important and indispensable as scientific information, the authors have received approval in written form and have clearly stated it.
  7. In the case of experiments on humans, the authors state that the study was in accordance with the ethical standards of the Helsinki declaration, which leads the human experiment. If there are doubts raised about whether the study took place in accordance with the declaration, the author should explain it. In the case of experiments on animals, the author has certified that the author has followed the guidelines and abroad with regard to animal experiments in the laboratory.
  8. The authors must submit the data and details to the editor if suspected falsification or fabrication of data.
  9. The authors should explain everything that can give rise to a conflict of interest such as employment, research costs, consulting fees, and intellectual property on guidelines for Example Journal writers